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What we offer…

Curriculum Intent

To ensure all learners receive the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Our curriculum extends beyond the academic, technical or vocational. It provides for our wonderful children broader development, enabling them to develop and discover their interests and talents. We want our children to leave us well rounded, respectable and ready for the world!

Principles and Objectives 

At Marfleet Primary Academy we believe that all pupils should have full access to a broad and balanced curriculum. In the case of pupils with Special Educational Needs this is no different. However, when planning for these children, small step targets from personalised learning programs or an Education, Health and Care plan may have to be considered in order to provide the necessary resources to enable access to the wider curriculum. 

Areas of need and provision offered

Social Emotional Mental and Health (SEMH) Communication and Interaction Cognition and Learning Sensory and/or Physical
Information about our extensive SEMH support can be found here:

  • Blossoms provision
  • Speech and Language screener (Speech Link) for all children within the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1.
  • Individualised Speech and Language programme where appropriate.
  • Access to a specialist Level 2 TA.
  • Comprehensive CPD for specialist TA and all staff.
  • Regular 1:1 or small group interventions as directed by a Speech and Language Therapist.
  • Friendship groups
  • Makaton
  • Lego therapy intervention
  • Access to specialist services such as Northcott Outreach Services.
  • Visual timetables in all classrooms
  • Quality first teaching
  • Adaptations to the classroom environment including access to specific learning aids.
  • Lexia Screener programme (dyslexia)
  • Reading fluency screener
  • Access to small group targeted phonics and maths support

  • Adaptations to the learning environment
  • Additional resources, e.g. IT
  • Access to online specialist resources.
  • Fine and gross motor interventions.
  • Access to specialist services such as: Occupational Therapy (OT) or Integrated Physical & Sensory Service (IPASS).

Threshold of Need – Plan – Do – Review

Universal Offer

All teachers work towards the achievement of every child through excellent quality first teaching. We call this our Universal offer. 

Additional Support

Some children require additional support over and above quality first teaching. In this instance children are placed on the school’s SEN Cause for Concern register and are monitored closely by the class teacher and SENCo. Teachers may informally meet with the child’s parents and adaptations may be made to the child’s provision including additional resources or specific short term intervention. We call this our Additional Support offer.

Targeted Support

Following a period of monitoring more specific and specialised support may be required. At this stage the child will be placed on the school’s SEN register. We call this our Targeted Support.

SEN Pupil Passport

This is done in consultation with the child’s parents, class teacher and SENCo. This is when the child’s needs and support are formalised into a SEN Pupil Passport. Pupil Passports are reviewed termly with the input of class teacher, SENCo and parents. Actions and targets on the SEN Pupil Passports are closely monitored by the class teacher, SENCo and School Leadership Team (SLT) to ensure the targets are having the desired outcome.  

Interventions we offer

We offer a range of targeted interventions which have been created with the support of outside agencies. These include:

  • Makaton
  • Lego Therapy
  • Phonics intervention
  • Occupational therapy programmes
  • Fine and Gross motor skill programmes
  • Friendship groups
  • Speech and Language
  • Emotional Literacy Support (ELSA)
  • Alternative free time provision

Speech and Language

Speech and Language is an integral part of our SEN offer. We aim to identify Speech and Language needs early, ideally within our Foundation Stage. Here staff have received additional training to identify needs and know when to pass concerns to the SENCo. In addition all children within the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 are screened through our Speech Link programme. This allows us to offer individualised and group support which is tracked on a 10 week cycle. Some children will require specialised support from a Speech and Language Therapist. In this instance we refer these children with the permission of the parent to the NHS Speech and Language Service. 

Specialist Services

Children with official outside agency/service involvement or with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) access the school’s specialist support services. Children receiving specialist service support may have access to such things as: personalised bespoke timetables, specialist onsite alternative provision (Blossoms), Forest School, horse riding, increased adult support in classrooms. These children may have input from the school’s Educational Psychologist. The advice received from an Educational Psychologist will be fed into a child’s SEN Pupil Passport.

The Nest provision

The school’s Nest provision provides additional support for our children who find accessing the mainstream classroom challenging. This provision is currently overseen by Mrs Seaver (SENCo) with teaching delivered by Miss Wilson, Miss Cawkwell and Miss Morgan. In addition to this, The Nest provides a nurturing environment for any 1:1 or small group intervention sessions. The Nest is split into three zones with a classroom, break out area and an outdoor provision. The Nest also supports some children over lunchtime by providing a calm, structured environment.


For further information please speak to the office on 01482 781943 or email

All Ebor policies can be found here

Local Authority Offer

Marfleet Primary SEND Policy

Marfleet Primary SEND Offer

Marfleet Primary Accessibility Plan