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Merit Award Winners – Friday 12th November 2021

Merit Award Winners – Friday 12th November 2021 Here are the merit award winners for Friday 12th November 2021!! Well done!!!! FS1   Lizzie – settling into nursery routines and always been the first on the carpet ready to learn FS2  Alex – building a beautiful...
Posted On 14 Nov 2021

Half Term Reading Competition Winners

Congratulations to our reading competition winners, we were blown away by the amount of children who took part. All names went into a hat and were drawn during the Friday Merit assembly. Given the success of this competition look out for more in the future. All children should...
Posted On 05 Nov 2021

Merit Award Winners – Friday 5th November 2021

Here are the merit award winners for this week – well done everyone!!! FS1   Nell bower – amazing contributions in all carpet sessions and always giving 100 percent FS2  Lily – taking a huge interest in our new topic and contributing her fantastic idea’...
Posted On 05 Nov 2021

Always Awards

Always Awards This half term Mr Frankish has asked each teacher to choose one child who always does the right thing all the time.  These children’s parent have each received a letter home from Mr Frankish today explaining why they have been chosen!! Well done to you all and...
Posted On 22 Oct 2021

Merit Award Winners – Friday 22nd October 2021

Merit Award Winners for Friday 22nd October 2021. Well done!!! Jude – . Super listening, amazing mark making and trying hard to play with different children Antonina – for being brave and communicating with staff this week Oliver- for trying so hard to improve his...
Posted On 22 Oct 2021

Merit Award Winners for Friday 14th October 2021

Here are the merit award winners for Friday 14th October 2021!! Well done!!! Charlie – becoming more confident and independent Albert – being the best friend to a Buttercup and being a fantastic role model every day Callum- for being a fantastic friend and always...
Posted On 17 Oct 2021

Merit Award Winners – 1 October 2021

Merit Award Winners for Friday 1st October! Well done!!! Aava – for becoming more confident and happy at Nursery Riley – for excelling in every activity Callum- for amazing topic work this week Harrison C – for trying so hard with his writing Emilie Christian...
Posted On 01 Oct 2021

Merit Award Winners – Friday 24th September 2021

Merit Award Winners – Friday 24th September 2021. Well done!!!! Lloyd – For trying really hard with his communication skills Logan – For being amazing on his first ever full week at school Oliver- For his amazing phonics work this week Edgar – For super...
Posted On 26 Sep 2021

Special Achievers – July 2021

Here are all of the special achievers winners for the Summer term – a huge congratulations to them all! Nursery: Credit to the class – Maisie-Lee Progress – Hubert Reception: Credit to the class – Thomas Progress – Oliver Year 1: Credit to the class...
Posted On 23 Jul 2021

A message from Family First

Dear Parents/Guardians Here is your free e-copy of the UK’s best family magazine, packed full of information to help keep your children busy & entertained during the school summer holidays- Enjoy! Please click on the link below:...
Posted On 14 Jul 2021