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Ebor Academy Trust Logo

National Smile Month 17th May -17th June 2021

The 0-19 School Nursing Team have contacted school about their National Smile Month running from 17th May – 17th June where they are raising awareness on dental health in children with the following 3 messages: 1. Visit your dentist regularly, as often as they recommend....
Posted On 24 May 2021

Merit Award Winners – Friday 21st May 2021

Here are the merit award winners for today: Lloyd for really trying his best this week and making Mrs Seaver so proud! Marty for trying lots of new dinners this week! William for trying really hard with his reading both at school and at home! Emilie for amazing phonics work and...
Posted On 21 May 2021

Merit Award Winners – Friday 14th May

Here are the Merit winners for Friday last week – well done everyone!   Isla Rose for trying really hard with her behaviour! Kaydee-Leigh for persevering with something and reaching her goals ! Callum for an amazing attitude learning something new in maths this week!...
Posted On 17 May 2021

Merit Award Winners – Friday 7th May

Here are the Merit award winners for this week – well done to everyone for your hard work! Sophia for being a kind friend! Edgar for coming in independently! William for being respectful and setting a good example to others during theme of the week! Daisy for showing such...
Posted On 07 May 2021

School Closed – 3rd & 4th May

A reminder that school is closed on Monday 3rd May for the bank holiday, and Tuesday 4th May for a training day. School will re-open to all children on Wednesday 5th May. If your child is in FS1 and usually attends on Mondays and Tuesdays, you have not been charged for these...
Posted On 30 Apr 2021

Merit Award Winners – Friday 30th April

Here are the Merit award winners for this week – well done everyone for your hard work! Maisie Lee for always setting an example to the other children! Arlo for being really thoughtful and helping other children lots this week ! Oliver for amazing topic work this week !...
Posted On 30 Apr 2021

NSPCC Number Day – Friday 7th May

On Friday 7th May we are taking part in Number Day to raise funds for the NSPCC ( National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children). As a school we want to support this charity and recognise the important work it does for children. The day will be a day full of fun...
Posted On 28 Apr 2021

Merit Award Winners – Friday 23rd April

Here are all of our Merit award winners for this week – well done everyone!   Alex for becoming more confident around his peers! Thomas for always being an amazing role model to other children! Callum for trying his best in intervention groups this week and being a role...
Posted On 23 Apr 2021

Merit Award Winners – Friday 16th April

Below are all of the Merit Award winners for this week – well done everybody! Lily- being an amazing friend to the new starters Markey – Amazing doubling work! William- Trying really hard during RE day Evie – for explaining what evaporation was when discussing...
Posted On 16 Apr 2021

Newsletter – Start of Summer Term

Hello and welcome back after the Easter break. We all hope you had a restful time before the start of a busy and exciting term for your children. As lockdown eases, we will continue to follow national guidance within school. At the moment, this means that children remain in...
Posted On 16 Apr 2021