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Merit Award Winners – Friday 2nd February 2024

Here are the merit award winners for Friday 2nd February 2024.  Well done! FS1 Nevaeh for amazing phonics and maths. FS2 Lucia for always trying her best in all her lessons Y1 Seth for amazing phonics progress! Y2 Ivan for working so hard with everything and being such a helpful...
Posted On 02 Feb 2024

Attendance – 02.02.24

This week’s whole school attendance was 95%   Here are the class standings for the week: 🥇 The Daisies and The Elms – 99% – unreal! 🥈 The Sunflowers – 96% – amazing! 🥉 The Tulips – 95% – well done! Our lucky dip winners this week...
Posted On 02 Feb 2024

Attendance – 26.01.2024

This week’s whole school attendance was 95.5% Here are the class standings for the week: 🥇 The Sunflowers – 99% again – wonderful effort everyone! 🥈 The Willows, The Elms and The Oak – 98% each- brilliant! 🥉 The Daisies – 96% – wonderful! Our...
Posted On 26 Jan 2024

Merit Awards – Friday 26th January 2024

Here are our merit award winners for Friday 26th January 2024. Well done!! FS1 Harrison for settling into nursery and making friends. FS2 Ava-Leigh for always trying her best in everything. Y1 Jemima for having such an amazing week, such a positive change. Keep it up Jemima! Y2...
Posted On 26 Jan 2024

Merit Award Winners – 19.01.24

Here are the merit award winners for Friday 19th January 2024.  Well done!! FS1 Toby for settling into nursery and making friends. FS2 Ruben for being really grown up at dinner time. Y1 Lloyd for a fantastic week all round and for some beautiful independent writing. Y2 Antonina...
Posted On 19 Jan 2024

Attendance – 19.01.2024

This week’s whole school attendance was 96% – well done everyone! Here are the class standings for the week: 🥇 The Sunflowers – 99% – amazing! 🥈 The Elms – 98% – brilliant! 🥉 The Daisies and The Oaks – 97% – wonderful! Our lucky dip...
Posted On 19 Jan 2024

Friends of Marfleet

Our Friends Of Marfleet PTA needs you! A PTA is a Parent Teacher Association, an organisation with a mission to make the school a better place for children to learn. Friends Of Marfleet will aim to bring together parents/carers, family members, Community members, teachers and...
Posted On 18 Jan 2024

Attendance – 12.01.2024

What a start to 2024!!! Our whole school attendance was 97.6% this week 🤩   Here is the leaderboard this week: 🥇The Daisies – 99% – outstanding! 🥈The Birches and The Sunflowers – 98% – brilliant! 🥉The Elms and The Tulips – 97% – amazing!...
Posted On 12 Jan 2024

Merit Award Winners – 12th January 2024

Here are the merit awards for Friday 12th January 2024.  Well done!! FS1 Jack for showing confidence during phonics. FS2 Darcie for a brilliant start to the Daisy class. Y1 Dylan for coming back with a fantastic attitude and always setting a good example to others. Y2 Albert for...
Posted On 12 Jan 2024

2024 Admissions

If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 you must apply for a primary school place between 1 October 2023 and 15 January 2024. If you live in Hull you must apply to us with your preferences of primary schools for your child, even if the school you want...
Posted On 21 Dec 2023