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Attendance w/c 25th February 2019

This week we have seen a great improvement in attendance.   Every year group has achieved above 96% attendance this week, with Year 6 hitting 100%!   We hope this great attendance continues throughout this half term.
Posted On 01 Mar 2019

Online Safety Guidance

Please see the images above on online safety and what to watch out for if your child is using the internet or social media.
Posted On 27 Feb 2019

Theme of the Week w/c 25th February 2019

This week’s theme is Problem Solving. We will explore how we can solve problems using the restorative practice resources.
Posted On 26 Feb 2019

Attendance w/c 11th February 2019

This week’s attendance winners are Year 4 and Year 5 who both achieved above 97%! The whole school attendance for this half term is 95% which is below the national average. Let’s try our best as a school to reach at least 97% next half term.
Posted On 15 Feb 2019

Attendance w/c 4th February 2019

Disappointingly, last week none of the classes in school achieved the national average of 96% attendance.   This week’s winners were Year 1, Year 3 and Year 6, all achieving above 97% attendance.   Let’s try and make the last week of half term a brilliant...
Posted On 13 Feb 2019

Theme of the Week w/c 11th February 2019

This weeks theme is Valentines Day! The children will look at why we celebrate it.
Posted On 13 Feb 2019

Theme of the Week w/c 4th February 2019

This weeks theme is Chinese New Year – the year of the pig! The children will be looking at what it is, as well as trying some chinese food on Tuesday 5th!
Posted On 13 Feb 2019

Theme of the Week w/c 28th January 2019

Theme of the Week this week is Resilience. We will be looking at whether the children can remember what this is, how we can be more resilient and how it may help us.  
Posted On 28 Jan 2019

Attendance w/c 21st January 2019

This weeks attendance winners are Year 1, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 – all with over 97% attendance! The whole school attendance this week was also 97% – well done everybody, keep it up.
Posted On 25 Jan 2019

Theme of the Week w/c 21st January 2019

This week’s theme is Determination. We will be looking at what determination is, why we need it, if we have it and how we show it.
Posted On 22 Jan 2019