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Half Term Activities

Looking for some fun activities for you and your children this half term? Here are some leaflets for local activities you can take part in! 
Posted On 10 Feb 2023

Recent Eco Awards

  The School has been awarded the following awards through the hard work of the Eco Committee! 🏆🌱   – RHS Schools Gardening – Level 2   – RSPB School Wild Challenge – Bronze Award   – The Woodland Trust, Green Tree School Award – Silver...
Posted On 10 Feb 2023

Merit Award – 20.01.2023

Here are this week’s merit award winners: Rachel for trying so hard with everything this week! Benji for trying really hard with his handwriting! Bryleigh for engaging with lessons and always wanting to contribute! Isabelle for trying really hard to produce work of a high...
Posted On 20 Jan 2023

Attendance w/c 16.01.2023

The class winners this week were The Birches with another perfect week – 100%! Well done team! Second place was The Oaks with 99% – outstanding! Third place was The Sunflowers with 94%. Prizes won this week by the winning classes included a hot chocolate break and a...
Posted On 20 Jan 2023

Attendance – w/c 09.01.2023

This week’s whole school attendance was 95%. The individual class winners were The Birches with a perfect 100%! Second place were The Oaks with 99%! Third place were The Willows with 96%! This week classes won prizes like juice and biscuits, and a classroom disco –...
Posted On 13 Jan 2023

Merit Awards – 13.01.2023

Here are the merit winners for today – a huge well done to everybody! Tia for her transport themed maths work! Mila for amazing work with addition! Riley for amazing progress with phonics! Olly for working so hard and for making amazing progress in maths! Daisy D for...
Posted On 13 Jan 2023

Attendance w/c 02.01.2023

Last week’s whole school attendance was 96.9% – what an amazing first week back! The class winners this week were The Birches with 99%. Joint in second place were The Daisies, The Sunflowers and the Tulips with 98%. Third Place were The Oaks with 96%. Well done to all...
Posted On 10 Jan 2023

Merit Award Winners – 06.01.2023

Here are the first merit award winners of 2023 – well done everybody! Emilee for settling into school! Seth for trying his best in maths! Albert for really trying his best all week! Harrison H for being such a polite, kind and well-behaved little boy, always ready to learn!...
Posted On 06 Jan 2023

After School Club Timetable – Spring 2023

Please find attached the timetable of the after school clubs this term. Please send Mrs Steyert a message on Bloomz to request a place, this is the only way to book a place for your child. Places are given on a first come first served basis.
Posted On 06 Jan 2023

Merit Awards, 02.12.2022 and 09.12.2022

This week’s merit award winners are: Elias for putting 100% effort into nativity practise! Benji for amazing effort in all lessons this week, especially maths! Hubert for making a very mature and grown up decision! Tommy C for always setting a good example, a fantastic role...
Posted On 09 Dec 2022