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Attendance w/c 28.11.2022

Last week’s attendance winners were The Sunflowers with 97% – well done everyone. They have won a biscuit and juice break next week! Second place this week were The Willows, The Birches and The Oaks, all with 95%. Third place were The Tulips with 94%. The whole school...
Posted On 05 Dec 2022

Merit Award Winners – 28/11/22

The merit awards were given out today from last week as we were not here on Friday, the winners were:   Daisy for being more outgoing! Anastasia for really enjoying school this week! King for working so hard this week in everything. We are seeing such progress with his...
Posted On 28 Nov 2022

Attendance w/c 21.11.22

This week’s whole school attendance was 90%, and unfortunately there were no classes above 97% this week for the Attendance Race Through the Forest. Hopefully next week we can have some classes claiming prizes for attendance!   The class with the best attendance this...
Posted On 25 Nov 2022

Merit Award Winners – 18.11.2022

This week’s merit award winners are: Jadyen for amazing interactions with his key worker this week! Guste for producing beautiful work every time! Elise for 100% effort with everything and for always such a thoughtful little girl! Charlotte because her work ethic this week...
Posted On 18 Nov 2022

Attendance – w/c 07.11.2022

This week our whole school attendance was 94.3% – this is a good improvement on last week but still needs to be better! Let’s try next week to hit 97% or higher! To try and avoid illness spreading through school, please speak to your children about good hand washing habits!
Posted On 11 Nov 2022

Merit Award Winners – 11.11.2022

This weeks merit award winners are: Isaiah for amazing mark making! Charlie for jumping back into school life after his operation! Gracie for taking her love of learning out of the classroom; exploring Guy Fawkes at home! Ross for trying his best in all lessons! Evie Mae for...
Posted On 11 Nov 2022

Merit Award Winners – w/c 31.10.22

Jasmine for settling back into Nursery really well! Joseph for being really creative this week in all areas of the classroom! Logan for completing an adult initiated task for a long period of time! Oliwia for always being ready to learn and for working so hard with everything!...
Posted On 04 Nov 2022

Attendance – w/c 17.10.2022

This week’s attendance winners and the classes who moved through the forest were The Tulips, The Birches and The Buttercups! Well done to these classes for working hard to achieve above 97% attendance!   The whole school attendance for this week was 95.28% – this...
Posted On 21 Oct 2022

Merit Winners – Friday 21st September

Here are this week’s Merit award winners – congratulations to everyone: Ava for eating all her dinner all week! Dylan for trying so hard with his speaking and phonics this week! Emily for being more open minded about her challenges! Scarlett for trying so hard with...
Posted On 21 Oct 2022

Harvest Donation

Thank you to everyone that donated food to this year’s harvest collection. We know that times are trying for everyone at the moment so the donations are even more appreciated! Attached is a photograph of the collection, Mrs Cotterill will take the food tonight to St...
Posted On 21 Oct 2022