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Weekly Wave – 05.06.2020

Posted On 05 Jun 2020
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All the staff have returned to school this week which has meant we can begin weekly phone calls. It has really cheered all the teachers up listening to all your children’s stories! Miss Hunt and I have also been doing some visits this week and it has been lovely to see the little smiling faces and see how much they have all grown! We will continue to do this over the coming weeks. We look forward to seeing/ speaking to you all!
Wider opening
I am pleased to announce that the Trustees have approved the school’s risk assessment for Wider Opening. This means that as well as our Key Worker and Vulnerable children we will be opening to 8 year 1/EYFS children on Tuesday 16th June 2020. More information will be coming out via email over the coming days to those parents that have requested a place. A date for the wider opening of year 6 will follow. A form will be going out to all our Key Worker and Vulnerable Children via email and must be filled ASAP. There currently is no guidance from the government about any other year groups returning before the summer, as always I will keep you informed if this changes!
Time slots for work
Just a quick reminder that due to the increase of children on school sites there will be an allocated time slot for picking up work packs. Please see Miss Wilson’s Bloomz
⭐Stars of the week⭐
Buttercups – Oliwia – a super week at school trying her best
Daisies – Alfie M for his lovely bug hunting activity
Tulips – Misha for being a superstar
Sunflowers – Zachary C for reading at home every day
Willows – Sophie S for making Mr Frankish smile on the phone!
Birches – Lily M for making Mrs Shaw and Miss Hunt smile
Elms – Reece please for his work on materials
Oaks – Kayceemae- for working hard and being the first to comment on the blog!
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