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Lucky Dip – 17.11.23

This week’s lucky dip winners were: Emiliah – The Daisies Gracie – The Sunflowers Mia – The Oaks Well done on attending...
Posted On 17 Nov 2023

Attendance 100% Lucky Dip

This week’s lucky dip winners were: Aaron – Y5 Ivan – Y2 Darcie – Y3 Well done to all of the children who attended every...
Posted On 10 Nov 2023

Attendance 100% Lucky Dip – Halloween Edition

This week’s spooooky halloween spinner winners are:  Layton Jamima Marty Well done everyone for being at school every day this week! 
Posted On 27 Oct 2023

Attendance 100% Lucky Dip – Hull Fair Week

Last week was Hull Fair week, and we had 3 special Hull Fair themed prizes on the spinner in Friday’s assembly!  The children were SOO...
Posted On 16 Oct 2023

Attendance 100% Lucky Dip

Today’s spinner had the children very excited, and all are eager for their names to be on the wheel next week!   We had 3 lucky winners...
Posted On 29 Sep 2023

Attendance Lucky Dip – 22.09.2023

Today we did the first live spinner in assembly for the lucky dip and the children LOVED it! We had 3 lucky winners again who chose their prize...
Posted On 22 Sep 2023

School Updates


Merit Award Winners – 12th January 2024

Here are the merit awards for Friday 12th January 2024.  Well done!! FS1 Jack for showing confidence during phonics. FS2 Darcie for a brilliant...
Posted On 12 Jan 2024

2024 Admissions

If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 you must apply for a primary school place between 1 October 2023 and 15...
Posted On 21 Dec 2023

Attendance – 15.12.2023

1 more week to go – one last push with attendance next week! 💪🎄   🥇The Willows – 97% – incredible! 🥈 The Birches – 94%...
Posted On 15 Dec 2023

Christmas Attendance Incentives

It’s Chriiiiiiistmassss!!!! We are well aware that at this time of year children suffer with coughs, colds and snotty noses. However we...
Posted On 01 Dec 2023

Attendance – 01.12.23

This week’s whole school attendance was 94%.  The class standings are as follows: The Daisies – 97% – Amazing, well done! The...
Posted On 01 Dec 2023