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Ebor Academy Trust Logo

Our School Council is made up of 2 pupils from each year group. The children were elected by their peers to represent the school and be the pupil voice.

The council meets termly to discuss up and coming school matters. Keep an eye out for our published minutes to see what is going on in school!

There is currently a new Student Council pending for this academic year…

Council Members

Student Council

School Updates


Attendance w/c 21.11.22

This week’s whole school attendance was 90%, and unfortunately there were no classes above 97% this week for the Attendance Race Through...
Posted On 25 Nov 2022

Merit Award Winners – 18.11.2022

This week’s merit award winners are: Jadyen for amazing interactions with his key worker this week! Guste for producing beautiful work...
Posted On 18 Nov 2022

Attendance – w/c 07.11.2022

This week our whole school attendance was 94.3% – this is a good improvement on last week but still needs to be better! Let’s try...
Posted On 11 Nov 2022