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Merit Award Winners – 1 October 2021

Posted On 01 Oct 2021
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Merit Award Winners for Friday 1st October! Well done!!!
Aava – for becoming more confident and happy at Nursery
Riley – for excelling in every activity
Callum- for amazing topic work this week
Harrison C – for trying so hard with his writing
Emilie Christian – for trying so hard to improve her writing and also for being such a kind and helpful little girl
Sawyer- for showing a positive attitude and pushing himself to do his best in all lessons
Jacob is a super role model, pushing himself to always show his best, and always willing to support others with their learning, once he’s completed his.
Lacey – for improving her fact file writing, taking into consideration her SPaG and Topic elements.
Filip- great attitude to learning across all subjects. Even after school hours!
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