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Weekly Wave – 19.06.2020

Free School Meal Vouchers You will be aware that the government has announced schools will be providing £15 per week per child supermarket vouchers over the summer break. Although, we as a school are unsure of how this may look it is a considerable amount of money over the next...
Posted On 19 Jun 2020

Weekly Wave – 12.06.20

Rain, rain go away!!!  ☔ Wider opening As you may be aware from the news, the government has decided that schools will not be open to any other year groups other than those they have outlined. Currently, we have lots of Key Worker cand Vulnerable children and will be welcoming...
Posted On 12 Jun 2020

Letter for Parents/Carers

Please see the letter below from Mrs Gail Brown, Chief Executive of Ebor Academy Trust. Thank you.
Posted On 08 Jun 2020

Weekly Wave – 05.06.2020

All the staff have returned to school this week which has meant we can begin weekly phone calls. It has really cheered all the teachers up listening to all your children’s stories! Miss Hunt and I have also been doing some visits this week and it has been lovely to see the little...
Posted On 05 Jun 2020

Weekly Wave 29.05.2020

Even though it’s half term I still wanted to give a little wave to you all! I hope you are all enjoying the fabulous sunshine ? As of next week all class teachers will be ringing weekly to see how you are all doing. We are also going to trial video classrooms in which...
Posted On 01 Jun 2020

Child Safety Week

This week is national child safety week. I have attached some website links you may wish to use with your children.
Posted On 01 Jun 2020

Letter for Parents/Carers 26.05.2020

Please see the attached letter from Gail Brown, CEO of Ebor Academy Trust.  Thank you.
Posted On 27 May 2020

Some Useful Websites

As with any website please check these before you allow your child to access them to see if you feel they are suitable. Some of the sites are for secondary school students but I have added them in case some of you find them find them useful for older siblings....
Posted On 22 May 2020

Weekly Wave – 22.05.2020

Another week done and another week closer to getting back to normal – whenever this may be! Mrs Shaw has asked that I do the Weekly Wave today so here it is. I thought I’d start by telling you something my daughter said. I asked her the other day to think really hard about the...
Posted On 22 May 2020