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Merit Award Winners – 29.09.2023

This week’s merit award winners are: Ronnie-Lee for helping his new friends and being kind! Orah for amazing maths representing 3 in different ways! Seth for some amazing sentence writing in Topic this week! Daisy for trying so hard with everything and being ready to learn!...
Posted On 29 Sep 2023

Attendance – 22.09.2023

This week’s whole school attendance was 91.75%!   1st place is The Birches – 95.8%   2nd place is The Tulips – 93.9%   3rd place is The Elms – 93.4%     Well done everyone, let’s smash it next week! 
Posted On 22 Sep 2023

Merit Award Winners – 22.09.2023

This week’s Merit award winners are: Zaya for eating her hot dinner and being a good girl in the hall! Natalia for talking in check in! Nell for always being ready to learn, giving 100% in all of her learning and being a fantastic role model everyday! Logan for always...
Posted On 22 Sep 2023

Attendance Lucky Dip – 22.09.2023

Today we did the first live spinner in assembly for the lucky dip and the children LOVED it! We had 3 lucky winners again who chose their prize from the treasure chest! The winners from this week were: Flynn – The Oaks Robson – The Oaks Jakub – The Birches Well...
Posted On 22 Sep 2023

Attendance Lucky Dip – 15.09.2023

At Marfleet we want all of the children to achieve their maximum potential, we believe good attendance helps to do this! To reward children with 100% attendance each week, I will be doing a lucky dip each week in assembly where 3 names are chosen at random. The winners will be...
Posted On 22 Sep 2023

Attendance – 15.09.2023

Last week’s attendance was brilliant – 95% for the whole school! Well done everyone! The Elms and The Birches won a class prize of 10 minutes extra playtime this week for their brilliant attendance!🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ 1st place – The Elms with 100% – outstanding!🥇...
Posted On 22 Sep 2023

Heights and Weights

The NHS Humber will be attending our school on Thursday 5th October 2023 to carry out the NCMP Heights and Weights on reception and year 6 pupils. Attached is a copy of the NCMP Parental Opt Out letter. Should you wish to opt out you can do so by telephoning their services on...
Posted On 22 Sep 2023

St Mary’s Open Evening

Here is some information we have received regarding an Open Day for St Mary’s College.
Posted On 22 Sep 2023


Our catering company, Hutchison’s, have asked that any parents with children who have allergies please complete the attached form and return it to the school. Please include your medical evidence of the allergy. If you do not have this, please add in writing that you would...
Posted On 22 Sep 2023