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Ebor Academy Trust Logo

It is critical as parents that you understand from the outset the school’s legal and moral obligations to safeguard all of our children. As a school, we will always act within the guidelines and procedures that are set out to schools. We won’t hesitate to take the steps that you as parents would expect us to take to ensure that the school is a safe and emotionally healthy place to be.

Equally, if a child was ever to indicate that they were at risk of harm or in any kind of danger we would always work with the relevant outside agencies and yourselves to take any appropriate next steps.

Every school is governed first and foremost by their ability to protect children and here at Marfleet Primary we are no different in taking our statutory duties very seriously. By making a choice to send your child to our school you are doing that with a full understanding of the priority that we place on taking care of all aspects of our children’s development and well-being.

Like any member of the public, we all have a responsibility to act in the best interests of child safety and to report any concerns around maltreatment or abuse if you feel concerned about a child’s welfare or safety please do go through the correct channels to get that advice and guidance.

Marfleet Primary are proud to say that we put pupil safety at the top of our agenda and will never fail to take action in the best interests of securing a child’s safety.

Safeguarding TeamMay24 (1)


Safeguarding Team:

DSL: Alice Hemingway

DDSL: Hayley Sibary

Safeguarding Team: Kelly Thomas, Lisa Pinder, Vicki Shaw

Safeguarding Governor: Vivienne Wilkes

Important Contacts:


All Ebor policies can be viewed here.