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Ebor Academy Trust Logo

Harvest Festival

For Harvest Festival this year we will be doing a food collection within school to be donated to a local food bank via St Giles Church. If you wish to donate some food, please give it your child this week to hand to their teacher.  We will then display the food in the...
Posted On 18 Oct 2022

October Newsletter

Hello, You will see below that we have plenty going on this term and hopefully you can see that we have acted following some feedback last year regarding some events being missed from the school calendar. We are also in the process of looking through the parent questionnaires and...
Posted On 13 Oct 2022


A big thank you to our local councillors for putting the school in touch with R-evolution who were in school yesterday. They managed to check all the bikes in school and carried out several repairs. They also kindly donated bikes to some Year 5 and 6 children – here’s...
Posted On 13 Oct 2022

Merit Award Winners and Attendance – 07.10.2022

This week’s merit award winners are: Tia for retelling the story of Goldilocks and the three bears! Malik for singing a maths song in front of the whole class! Antonina for enjoying new learning experiences! Lily for always trying so hard with all of her school work and for...
Posted On 07 Oct 2022

Merit Award Winners and Attendance – 23.09.2022

This week’s Merit Award winners are: Emillia for being more confident talking to staff and friends! Charlie for settling once in the classroom ready to start the day! Gracey for always maximising continuous provision opportunities! Lucas L for always setting such a good...
Posted On 23 Sep 2022

Merit Award Winners and Attendance – 16.09.2022

This week’s Merit Award winners are: Harley-Jay for always tidying the toys away when he has finished playing! Joseph for talking about what a blurb is! Gracie for trying really hard with her rwinc lessons! John for always being ready to learn and for setting a good example...
Posted On 16 Sep 2022

Merit Award Winners and Attendance – 09.09.2022

Merit Award This weeks winners of the Merit Award are: Buttercups – Ruben for playing with lots of different children! Daisies – Nell for setting a good example to all the other children! Tulips – Jayden being an amazing addition to the Tulip class! Sunflowers...
Posted On 09 Sep 2022

Newsletter – September 2022

Welcome back to school everyone, it has been lovely to see all the children at school after six long weeks. I was certainly ready to hand my own kids back to school so I’m sure many of you felt the same this morning! A special welcome to our youngest children starting school for...
Posted On 08 Sep 2022

Tigers Trust – Impact Report 2021-22

Please see below the impact report for this academic year working with Tigers Trust.
Posted On 18 Jul 2022

Primary Engineer Award

Earlier in the school year all our children were asked to think of an invention with the brief of helping someone. All entries were then sent off as part of the Primary Engineer Award. As you may know our children did a brilliant job with many receiving a certificate for a...
Posted On 08 Jul 2022