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Weekly Wave from Mrs Shaw – 15.05.2020

Reintegration of more children to school There have been lots of different stories in the press this week about ‘schools  reopening’. I want to take this opportunity to give you a little more information and explain how this might work. The MOST important thing is the safety of...
Posted On 15 May 2020

Latest update – 11 May 2020

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Sunday 10 May, we now know that a conditional plan for education will see Reception, Year One and Year Six pupils begin a phased return to school from Monday 1 June; with Year 10 and Year 12 pupils spending at least some time...
Posted On 11 May 2020

Useful Contacts, Housing + Food Bank Information

 If you need any support please contact Miss Hunt or the school office, or an external agency – we are all in this together Mental Health: LetsTalk – 01482 247111 CAMHs crisis team – 9am-5pm – 01482 303688. After 5pm – 01482...
Posted On 06 May 2020

Weekly Wave from Mrs Shaw – 01.05.2020

Although the weather has been a bit miserable this week, you and your lovely children certainly haven’t! Seeing all of the pictures and hearing about all of the wonderful things that you are all getting up to really brightens all our days! A very special thank you to those...
Posted On 01 May 2020

Weekly Well-Being Challenge: W/C 27th April

Make a family kindness chart. Each member of the family has a sunshine and when they display an act of kindness colour in a ray of sunshine. Once completed chose a fun and free reward. You could have a games night or watch a movie with popcorn. Displaying kindness could include:...
Posted On 30 Apr 2020

Run Around The World

Our school and all of the other EBOR Academy schools have decided to jointly take part in a  fun challenge- Run Around the World. We would like for you and your children to join us and have fun in this activity. If 6,500 of us  (all children and staff across all the EBOR...
Posted On 29 Apr 2020

Weekly Wave from Mrs Shaw – 24.04.2020

I want to start off with a thank you this week. We started the week with a beautiful video-surprise from the children which was absolutely lovely! We then went on to do our stone painting challenge – another thing to help us all feel connected in this tough time! I have...
Posted On 24 Apr 2020

Online Safety at Home

Here are some useful online safety websites:   Click here for a YouTube video around online radicalisation.  
Posted On 24 Apr 2020